
Creating Safe Spaces Banner

Model Documents

Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT offer these resources to be freely used and/or adapted by any church or organisation.

You are welcome to use the material but you must give credit to the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT and you must not profit from the use of the material.

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01 Safe-Church-Policy-01112023 (docx)
01 Safe-Church-Policy-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
02 Procedure-for-Staff-and-Volunteers-01112023 (docx)
02 Procedure-for-Staff-and-Volunteers-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
03 Procedure-for-Conflict-Resolution-01112023 (docx)
03 Procedure-for-Conflict-Resolution-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
04 Model-Procedure-for-Handling-Complaints-against-Staff-and-Volunteers ACT-01112023 (docx))
04 Model-Procedure-for-Handling-Complaints-against-Staff-and-Volunteers NSW-01112023 (docx))
04 Model-Procedure-for-Handling-Complaints-against-Staff-and-Volunteers NSW-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf))
05 Procedure-for-Responding-to-Child-Protection-Concerns-ACT-01112023 (docx)
05 Procedure-for-Responding-to-Child-Protection-Concerns-NSW-01112023 (docx))
05 Procedure-for-Responding-to-Child-Protection-Concerns-NSW-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
06 Code-of-Conduct-01112023 (docx)
06 Code-of-Conduct TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
07 Safe-Church-Concerns-Form-01112023 (docx)
07-Safe-Church-Concerns-Form TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
08 Screening-Questionnaires-01112023 (docx)
08 Screening-Questionnaires-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
09 Safe-Church-Register-01112023 (xlsx)
10 Safe-Church-Ministry-Information-Form-01112023 (docx)
10 Safe-Church-Ministry-Information-Form-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
11 Safe-Church-Team-Role-Description-01112023 (docx)
11-Safe-Church-Team-Role-Description-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
12 WHS-Team-Role-Description-01112023 (docx)
12 WHS-Team-Role-Description-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
13 Guidelines-for-Activities-01112023 (docx)
13 Guidelines-for-Activities-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
14 Model-Communication-to-Third-Parties-01112023 (docx)
14 Model-Communication-to-Third-Parties-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
15 Model-Communication-to-Affiliated-Entities-01112023 (docx)
15 Model-communication-to-Affiliated-Entities-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
16 Persons-of-Concern-Declaration-01112023 (docx)
16 Persons-of-Concern-Declaration-TRACKED CHANGES (pdf)
17 Letter to Churches re Use of the Title Pastor 04102018 (pdf)
18 Privacy Policy-01112023 (docx)
19 Template-Safe-Church-Team-Poster-01112023 (docx)
20 Declaration-for-Ministry-Guests-01112023 (docx)
21 Model-Volunteer-Application-Form-Category-2b-01112023 (docx)
Safe-Church-Health-Check-01112023 (pdf)
Safe-Church-Package-01112023 (docx)
Safe-Church-Package-01112023 (pdf)

These documents have been translated by local church leaders for use by other congregations.  We acknowledge that some translators may prefer adjustments or variations in grammar or phrasing in some sections of these documents. Thank you for your understanding and please pass on any feedback about these translated documents to our Creating Safe Spaces Coordinator.

01-Model-Safe-Church-Policy-31012020 -Korean-2021217 (docx) (pdf)
02-Model-Procedure-for-Staff-and-Volunteers-Korean-20210217 (docx) (pdf)
03 (not available)
04-Model-Procedure-for-Handling-Complaints-against-Staff-and-Volunteers-Korean_20210217 (docx) (pdf)
05-Model-Procedure-for-Responding-to-Child-Protection-Concerns-NSW-Korean-20210217 (docx) (pdf)
(05 ACT not available)
06-Model-Code-of-Conduct-Korean_20212017 (docx) (pdf)
07-Model-Safe-Church-Concerns-Form-Korean-20210217 (docx) (pdf)
08-Model-Screening-Questionnaires-Korean-20210217 (docx) (pdf)
09 (Not available)
10-Model-Safe-Church-Ministry-Information-Form-Korean-20210217 (docx) (pdf)
11 (not available)
12 (not available)
13 (not available)
14 (not available)
15 (not available)
16-Persons-of-Concern-Declaration-Korean_20200217 (docx) (pdf)
16 An Australian Baptist response to Persons Of Concern (not available)
17 (not available)
Safe Church Package 31012020 (not available)
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches Code of Ethics and Conduct (not available)
BA Procedures for Handling Allegations – August 2017 (not available)

These documents have been translated by local church leaders for use by other congregations.  We acknowledge that some translators may prefer adjustments or variations in grammar or phrasing in some sections of these documents. Thank you for your understanding and please pass on any feedback about these translated documents to our Creating Safe Spaces Coordinator.

01-Safe-Church-Policy – Simplified Chinese (docx)
02-Procedure-For-Staff-And-Volunteers – Simplified Chinese (docx)
03-Procedure-for-Conflict-Resolution – Simplified Chinese (docx)
04-Procedure-for-Handling-Complaints-against-Staff-and-Volunteers – Simplified Chinese (docx)
05-Procedure-for-Responding-to-Child-Protection-Concerns-NSW – Simplified Chinese (docx)
06-Code-of-Conduct-For-Staff-And-Volunteers – Simplified Chinese (docx)
07-Safe-Church-Concerns-Form – Simplified Chinese (docx)
08-Screening-Questionnaires – Simplified Chinese (docx)
09 (not available)
10-Safe-Church-Ministry-Information-Form – Simplified Chinese (docx)
11-Safe Church Team Role Description – Simplified Chinese (docx)
12-Work Health and Safety Team Role Description – Simplified Chinese (docx)
13-Guidelines-for-Activities-with-Children-and-Young-People – Simplified Chinese (docx)
14-Communication-to-Third-Parties – Simplified Chinese (docx)
15 (not available)
16-Declaration Regarding Ministry with Persons of Concern – Simplified Chinese (docx)
17-Letter to Churches regarding the use of the title Pastor Simplified Chinese (docx)
18-Privacy-Policy – Simplified Chinese (docx)
Safe Church Package 31012020 (not available)
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches Code of Ethics and Conduct (not available)
BA Procedures for Handling Allegations – August 2017 (not available)

These documents have been translated by local church leaders for use by other congregations.  We acknowledge that some translators may prefer adjustments or variations in grammar or phrasing in some sections of these documents. Thank you for your understanding and please pass on any feedback about these translated documents to our Creating Safe Spaces Coordinator.

01-Safe-Church-Policy – Traditional Chinese (docx)
02-Procedure-For-Staff-And-Volunteers – Traditional Chinese (docx)
03-Procedure-for-Conflict-Resolution – Traditional Chinese (docx)
04-Procedure-for-Handling-Complaints-against-Staff-and-Volunteers – Traditional Chinese (docx)
05-Procedure-for-Responding-to-Child-Protection-Concerns-NSW – Traditional Chinese (docx)
06-Code-of-Conduct-For-Staff-And-Volunteers – Traditional Chinese (docx)
07-Safe-Church-Concerns-Form – Traditional Chinese (docx)
08a-Screening-Questionnaires-18-Or-Over – Traditional Chinese (docx)
08b-Screening-Questionnaires-Under-18 – Traditional Chinese (docx)
09 (not available)
10-Safe-Church-Ministry-Information-Form – Traditional Chinese (docx)
11-Safe Church Team Role Description – Traditional Chinese (docx)
12-Work Health and Safety Team Role Description – Traditional Chinese (docx)
13-Guidelines-for-Activities-with-Children-and-Young-People – Traditional Chinese (docx)
14-Communication-to-Third-Parties – Traditional Chinese (docx)
15 (not available)
16-Declaration Regarding Ministry with Persons of Concern – Traditional Chinese (docx)
17-Letter to Churches regarding the use of the title Pastor – Traditional Chinese (docx)
18-Privacy-Policy – Traditional Chinese (docx)
Safe Church Package 31012020 (not available)
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches Code of Ethics and Conduct (not available)
BA Procedures for Handling Allegations – August 2017 (not available)

Useful Links

Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT
Baptist Insurance Services
National Council of Churches in Australia Safe Church Program
Royal Commission into institution Responses to Child Sexual Abuse – Creating Child Safe Institutions, Overview of the 10 Child Safe Elements
Office of the Children’s Guardian (NSW)
NSW ChildStory Reporter Community (Mandatory Reporter Guide)
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches Response to Domestic and Family Violence
Australian Baptist Ministries Safer Spaces Toolkit
Domestic Violence Line (NSW)
Domestic Violence Crisis Service (ACT)
Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia (24/7)
Office of the eSafety Commissioner
Blue Knot Foundation
Child Wise